Clearly Seen

Day 24

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”

– Romans 1:20

Have you ever marveled at the night sky or a beautiful sunrise? Have you ever seen huge mountains or tiny insects and stared in wonder at how remarkable they are? If we get out and look around, there are some things in our world that are downright amazing. There are pieces of artwork that people have painted or made that are pretty impressive, but the greatest sculpture ever molded pales in comparison to the Grand Canyon, and the most beautiful painting ever rendered looks ill when set against the sunrise.

It’s easy to speculate about how these things can be so impressive. When you do it from a very scientific perspective, you can learn a lot about how things work and what’s out there, but sometimes you just have to step back and take things in. I could go into the mountains and just be there for hours exploring, seeing what’s there, and knowing that no person went out and created that on their own. Whether you’re examining things up close or standing back in awe, it all begs the question, “Why?”

I don’t mean that we should ask how things happen–like why the sky is blue—but that we should ask why such things exist at all. The ocean, the sky, the mountains, the trees, the human body—what do they tell us about the world? They point toward the One who made them. They reveal to us an artist greater than the masters. They move us toward a Creator who is infinitely more impressive than His creation, at which we marvel. They help us to understand God, His greatness, His smallness, His divinity, and His care. If God put such great care and effort into an earth that will one day fade away, just imagine how thoroughly and intimately he crafted us and our eternal souls.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

– Psalm 19:1


“Nothing is more calming than connecting with God through nature. His beautiful creations, gifts, and blessings we should never take for granted, but enjoy.”

– Rachel Sazon-Reyes


A Prayer: God, the creation that I live in is amazing. You made me and others to dwell on this planet that continually overwhelms our senses. Even when things are going poorly for society, nature impresses, over and over again. But as massive and wonderful as your creation is, it only points me towards you, and you are unimaginably more profound. Thank you for caring for me so deeply. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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